Minnesota Student-Parent Alliance (MNSPA)

Minnesota Student-Parent Alliance

A cross-sector network focused on increasing accessibility to higher education for student parents, and other marginalized communities, by embracing a whole family approach to human services. The Minnesota Student Parent Alliance (MNSPA) works across all six conditions that hold systemic problems in place.

The Minnesota Student Parent Alliance is dedicated to increasing the accessibility of higher education for all parents and advocating for the approximately 70,000 student parents currently enrolled in Minnesota. Formed in 2020 through a collaboration between Raise The Barr and the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE), and with the generous support of a grant from Ascend at the Aspen Institute, MNSPA operates as a cross-sector collaborative. MNSPA brings together representatives from diverse organizations to coordinate policies, harmonize programs and services, and encourage effective communication. The ultimate goal is to cultivate a supportive environment for student parents, empowering them in their pursuit of economic mobility.

The initial MNSPA working group included key entities such as the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, the University of Minnesota (UMN), and the Minnesota Children’s Cabinet. Over time, the working group has expanded to include even more organizations that significantly impact the lives of student parents and their children.

The primary objectives of MNSPA are as follows:

1. Increase Accessibility.

Improving existing educational pathways across Minnesota, MNSPA strives to make education more accessible to student parents and their children.

2. Resource Gap Filling.

Actively identifying and bridging gaps in resources, ensuring that student parents have the necessary support systems to thrive in their educational pursuits.

3. Raise Awareness.

Raise awareness regarding the prevalence of student parents on campus, a fact often underestimated by decision makers. Through advocacy and outreach efforts, MNSPA highlights the needs, strengths, and experiences of student parents, aiming to raise understanding and support for them.

4. Amplify Voices.

Amplifying the voices of student parents, empowering them to actively participate in shaping policies and programs that affect their educational journeys.

Some key successes:

  • Creation of a New Position. OHE established the role of a full-time Student Parent & Whole Family Coordinator, which was believed to be the first such position in a statewide higher educational institution. The coordinator oversees planning, research and development for student parent initiatives on college campuses in Minnesota. The coordinator also engage in purposeful collaboration and coalition building with nonprofit organizations, state agencies, and other stakeholders, including student parents, to work toward a shared vision of success for student parents.

  • Legislative Success. The MN legislature passed the Student Parent Support initiative that dedicates $3 million to support direct services for student parents enrolled in institutions of higher education. We will link to the RFP when it is available.

  • Educational Series. MNSPA held a 3-part series titled "Parenting in College: the Whole Family Approach in Minnesota" attended by various stakeholders, including student parents, campus leaders, student support staff, social workers, childcare workers, systems leaders, and student parent allies. The series aimed to teach practical, evidence-based whole-family approaches and foster collaboration among these groups to better support student parents .

We ask all participants to prioritize the needs of single-parent families in their approach because they are the student-parents with the least financial, social, and time resources.

MNSPA's continues to expand its ongoing commitment to improving the educational experience and opportunities for student parents in Minnesota, highlighting the importance of whole-family support and systems change in higher education.

If your organization is interested in participating in MNSPA, please contact us.